Research Services
I have extensive experience conducting anthropological and linguistic research for Native Title Representative Bodies, independent lawyers, government departments and private industry. I value attention to detail, careful and thorough community consultation where appropriate, and forensic documentary research. I offer services in the following areas:
Native Title
Community engagement
Native Title
- Preparation of reports for negotiation and litigation
- Assessment of evidence
- Advice on trial preparation
- Peer-reviewing connection reports and assisting in the development of theoretical arguments
- Community liaison
- Heritage surveys with careful recording of cultural heritage values
- Negotiating heritage protection and land access issues
- Reviewing and assessing heritage information
- Site recording & Work Area Clearances for development processes
Community engagement
- Assistance in developing communication strategies
- Community consultation and surveys
- Community and cultural impact assessments
My own expertise and experience (more under About me), is enhanced through partnerships with professionals from diverse backgrounds, including archaeology, linguistics, training and mediation.
In partnership with experienced archaeologists and historians I am able to satisfy most cultural heritage research needs. I have links with female anthropologists and mediators in cases where gender balance is important and I conduct most cultural awareness training in partnership with experienced Aboriginal facilitators.
In partnership with experienced archaeologists and historians I am able to satisfy most cultural heritage research needs. I have links with female anthropologists and mediators in cases where gender balance is important and I conduct most cultural awareness training in partnership with experienced Aboriginal facilitators.